BBI and UJ join up to forge a home for pluralistic Judaism in landmark merger

Contrary to the claims in this Jewish Journal article, this is not a merger of BBI with the UJ but a takeover of BBI by the UJ. After all, this new entity will be presided over by the UJ’s two leaders — President Robert Wexler and UJ Board chair Peter Lowy.

BBI, contrary to claims in the article, is in desperate financial shape.

“I love the new name,” says a friend. “American Jewish University. It’s like putting a dress on a pig.”

From the Jewish Journal:

BBI’s Linda Gross sees big upside in merger with UJ UJ’s Peter Lowy: More accountability = bigger vision UJ President Robert Wexler has roots in three denominations UJ’s Gady Levy excited and eager about Brandeis-Bardin programs

I wish I knew how Rob Eshman really feels about Peter Lowy. It’s hard to tell when Rob gets so complex with sentiments such as: “Indeed, nearing 50, Lowy has most of the hair he left his 20s with. He has blue eyes, an athletic build and a disarming amount of laid-back Aussie ease for a man on that L.A. Business Journal list.”

Did I ever tell you guys how Rob Eshman, nearing 50, has most of the hair he left his 20s with. He has blue (or brown or something) eyes, an athletic build and a disarming amount of laid-back Los Angeles ease…

Lowy says: “It wasn’t a desperation move on Brandeis’ part.”


Linda Gross, chair of BBI, is married to Larry Gross who made tens of millions of dollars in the high-tech bubble, cashing out before the crash. He’s supposed to be the next great philanthropist of L.A. but he’s yet to do anything significant. If he had done anything for BBI, they would never have gotten into such financial trouble.

BBI’s big financial problem was an inability to get money out of their own board.

These pluralist claims by American Jewish University are bogus. Orthodox Jews do not patronize either U.J. or BBI. Random Orthodox scholars may teach there, but they’ll teach anywhere to make a living. They don’t pray there.

I believe one Orthodox shul has held a weekend retreat at BBI. That was Bnai David-Judea. They found no Orthodox prayer books in the chapel. They had to improvise their own mehitza.

I do not believe that the kashrut certification at either BBI or UJ is under Orthodox auspices. Therefore an Orthodox Jew can not eat there. I believe that UJ accepts Hebrew National meat which all Orthodox kosher agencies do not accept as kosher.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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