“The Causes and Consequences of Anti-Americanism around the World”

From Dennis Prager’s blog:

Dennis talks to Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review. Lowry fears that Mike Huckabee would be an electoral disaster for Republicans.

According to the Mitchell Report, the best hitter and the pitcher in baseball history used illegal steroids to gain a competitive edge. Baseball has been badly tarnished. The reputations of Roger Clemens and others permanently so. Boswell is one of best known sports writers in the country.

There will be a conference Tuesday night entitled "The Causes and Consequences of Anti-Americanism around the World."  It’s taking place at the Skirball Center in Los Angeles.  Listeners can check here for information or call 310-444-3085.

Joe Lieberman endorses John McCain. Makes sense because they are very close politically – liberal domestically, conservative on foreign policy.

One hundred scientists say global warming is a farce. They’re all obviously in the pay of industry.

Des Moines Register endorses Hillary Clinton, John McCain. Eight of nine of the members of the editorial board are women. All are liberal. Wonder if that had any impact on their thinking?

George Friedman, founder and chairman of Stratfor, has written a very clear analysis of why the stock market has held together despite incredible pressures (war, debt, housing crisis, banking crisis) and why he thinks it will probably remain on solid ground.  This is a view I haven’t read anywhere else. You’ll find it fascinating. You can check out Friedman’s service here.

John Podhoretz blogs: "You could watch me, Michael Medved, Dennis Prager, and Mona Charen discuss America, Jews, and Israel in a streaming video transcription of a December 9 panel in San Francisco sponsored by the Jewish Policy Center. The JPC offers it for viewing here (it takes about half a minute to load, so be a little patient). You can get a flavor for what we talked about from this post by Rick Richman of Jewish Current Issues."

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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