You Can Earn A Living Blogging

I’ve done it for more than a decade. Yes, most of that time, I made most of my money writing about the porn industry, but now I’m determined to make a clean living online.

You can too if you’re smart and willing to work hard.

Here’s how:

* Read this on
* Read Joel Comm, including his book on Adsense Secrets.
* Subscribe to
* If you have skill with video, go put stuff on


More quickly than most anyone imagined, blogging is growing up. From the blogosphere’s anarchistic roots, a professional cadre is emerging that is creating an industry whose top-performing businesses now earn serious money. The industry is expanding at warp speed. Blog-based media could just be poised to elbow aside traditional print and broadcast outlets to become one of the dominant sources of news, information and opinion, many observers believe.

"As traditional media continue to contract, this stuff is going to expand," said Steve King, senior fellow with the Society for New Communications Research, a Palo Alto think tank. "The business models have caught up and you’re starting to see little blog publishing companies that frankly are becoming not so little."

The blogging world has tremendous strengths – original voices, provocative opinions, imagination and intimate knowledge of a variety of subjects.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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