Saturday Night I Crashed Their Party

I noticed three women in their twenties move next door Thursday.

On my way to shul for Shalosh Sheudos this afternoon, I noticed a party beginning there.

"I’m gonna crash it!" I resolved.

I’m gonna overcome my fears and I’m gonna march up to the door and say, Hi, I’m Luke Ford and I want to be your moral leader.

So I took care of my moral obligations, rushed home, checked my email, grabbed three caffeine-free Diet Cokes from the frig and marched up to the door and said, "Hi, I’m your neighbor Levi. I wondered if I could introduce myself and crash your party."

I did and I could and I rocked it.

I love hanging out with the kids.

I wonder if any of these girls next door could do with some Torah/yoga/Alexander Technique/Aussie literature in their lives?

I was talking to these Teach for America women who work in East LA. "I bet you get the best prices on drugs," I said.

There was silence.

"I’m from Australia," I explained later. "We’ve very crude people. It’s not really my fault. It’s my convict genes."

I crushed my Diet Coke can and cruised to another group.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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