How Long Till Black Lives Matter Supporters Start Slaughtering Civilians?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Police are a hard target, they shoot back. Civilians, not so much. So expect BLM shootings to target White civilians instead of police soon. That’s the whole point of gun control, disarming the targets.

* “President Kennedy put a man on the moon. President Obama put a man in the ladies room.”

* This stuff doesn’t help Trump as much as one might think. A cursory look at Twitter and Facebook (which I think can be reasonably used as accurate barometers of public opinion) will dispel the notion that blacks and their enablers behaving badly helps Trump.

It doesn’t help that Trump consistently squanders the opportunities to politically profit off this stuff. He’s in his own world.

* Twitter+Facebook isn’t exactly a safespace for ordinary people to vent against black misbehaviour. You will mostly find strong reactions among a few white guys who have had enough. But the ordinary people might press like if they aren’t afraid of getting noticed by friends. However, this public shaming/self censorship has the opposite effect when you go into the ballot. Ordinary whites see black mischief, tell pretty lies to pollsters and friends, and go vote in protest.
That is why they call it the Silent Majority.

Sailer has pointed out how the press is dependent on Trump saying something in situations like this to switch attention away from the horror show. However, in a case like this Trump should have put in a comment about how anti-white racism is as unacceptable as anti-black racism, and especially so when it is directed against cops. This will inevitably lead to journalists going crazy and he can then do his marketing thing of repeating “anti-white racism” a thousand times in a sentence while demanding racial equality. If he wanted to go more on the offensive he could do with the phrase “anti-white” what he did “islamic radicalism” when he bullied Hillary+Obama into conceding.

He could then conclude with having the big race speech that Scott Adams keeps saying is necessary to remove the racist stigma still hanging on him. He would address the reaffirm support for the police with bland stuff “most are great and a few bad apples who should be punished” and then turn it on the Dems.

* A BLM-centered presidential race will gain Trump big votes from the type of Democrat who normally votes Democrat, but sometimes votes GOP on local elections. There are tons of them.

NYC is heavily Dem, but elected Rudy and Mike B. for 20 years because of NAM crime issues.

Maryland and Massachusetts just elected Republican governors. Simple math requires that a lot of Obama voters crossed over. It sure was not urban blacks who crossed over to vote for them.

Wisconsin elected Scott Walker not because of rural white Wisconsin voters, who continue the old Midwestern socialist tradition, but suburban Milwaukee voters who voted for him because of black crime.

Michigan has a solidly GOP state leg and a Republican governor, despite Obama winning the state by I think about 8 points. That is because there are a lot of center-left whites there whose first choice is a center-left white like Bernie, Jennifer Granholm, Debbie S., Sander and Carl Levin, etc. They were also OK with post-racial Obama and voted for him. But state legislator votes and governor because racialized as the state leg in Democratic control means Detroit democrat control.

Trumps path to victory is pretty clearly making 2016 a referendum on police-hate and BLM.

BLM and cop/white hate are dominating the news on their own right now. Trump should just shut up and lay low for a week or two and let the Dems enjoy their civil war. Maybe he can start some actual fundraising?

* The best congressman in America is using “anti-white.” Keep it up. Use this term that can go mainstream in conversation and online, but do not go any stronger.

King has a great twitter feed. He’s hitting trade, guns, and crime, and doing it well.

I noticed he is also going to Egypt meeting Egyptian president Sisi, a wonderful anti-terrorism leader who would like to be an American proxy in the middle east, but keeps getting crapped on by Obama for suppressing the Muslim Brotherhood. If this is King giving himself some foreign policy cred before running as VP, that is great. Not my first choice, but he’d still be great. And make Trump JFK/impeachment proof.

It is better to use for links to facebook. Links will work for people without accounts and better for privacy for those that do. Facebook invades your browser and drops a billion cookies and webpoop into your computer every time use visit.

* I have heard several rap songs where Black rappers brag about driving without a driver’s license or car insurance. It’s a Black thing, so you wouldn’t understand Cracka.

Driver’s licenses and car insurance weren’t invented in Africa. It’s a creation of the racist White male patriarchy.

* By only reporting black victims the media is making it look like it’s 100% black victims instead of 26% black victims.

The media are deliberately inciting a race war.

The only question is why.

* Trump shouldn’t attack BLM; Trump should attack the media.

Reason: Trump has a chance to get a big chunk of the black vote over immigration and the media is trying to stop that happening by sparking black-white racial hatred (and getting a lot of people killed in the process).

– lying that all the victims are black
– lying about the huge spike in black-black homicide as the result of police retreat
– ignoring the 6% committing 50% of the homicides

If he goes all out against the media over their incitement through dishonest reporting he can keep both the black and white vote onside.

Why do they only report the black victims? They are inciting murder.

* Trump should re-use the brilliantly brief and very effective Republican slogan from the 1946 midterm elections:

“Had enough?”

The public at the time was angry about postwar inflation and continued shortages of consumer goods despite 15 months of peace. (Impatient lot, we Americans!) The Republicans gained 55 House seats and 12 Senate seats, taking back both houses of Congress, which had been in Democratic hands since FDR. And that was in the days before television …

… imagine the possibilities for the Trump campaign today. There would be no need to say anything at all. Just show clips of [outrageous, infuriating or frightening relevant events] followed by the stark words on screen:

Had enough?
Vote Trump

I think it would work as well in 2016 as it did 70 years ago.

* If Milo says male homosexuality is a choice, he’s probably responding to the PC shibboleth that all sexuality is determined genetically at birth. Frankly, I don’t believe it, because I’ve known too many people who have been on both sides of the street and I don’t think they were “born” bisexual.

You know what I think the bigger problem is? The fact that we have created a culture where everyone has to declare their sexuality by the time they are 12 years old, that treats anyone who isn’t sexually active by the time they are 15 as some kind of weirdo, and that simply cannot shut up or practice a little modesty about sexual matters.

Confused gay teens need to know that sexuality is variable, and as long as no one is hurt in the process, entirely their own business. They also need to know that linking emotional attachment and sexuality is something very powerful, and that they are living in a culture that treats that phenomenon in an extremely superficial fashion, such that people are always going to be judging you or even mocking you for your attractions, your dates, your activity, or lack of same. Finally, that people love to mock the outsider, so you better learn to love yourself and not expect a lot of positive reinforcement in the outside world.

* Blacks are loyal Democrats but were not super excited by Hillary who is after all an old cracker lady who ran against Obama – she doesn’t even have Bill’s “honorary black” status. So it was important to do something to stir up the black base and get the high turnout that is key to swinging states like PA. In a good year (in which 110% of black voters vote) Philadelphia puts the Democrats hundreds of thousands of votes ahead before the first white vote is counted (not in sequence – Philadelphia comes in late, depending on how many votes are needed to turn the election – there’s no point in committing more crimes than are absolutely necessary). This makes winning the whole state a LOT easier – it’s like playing golf with a handicap or the ability to take lots of mulligans (Bill’s favorite way of playing golf).

The media machine has so far done a good job of putting just the right spin on the Texas shootings, which as Obama told us have NOTHING to do with BLM or what he and Hillary have been preaching. But it may be a long hot summer and these things have a way of spinning out of control – you may want to provoke a “peaceful demonstration” (one in which only a couple of 7-11s get looted) but end up with a large riot. In Philadelphia and many other big cities there has been an urban renaissance where parts of the city have been won back from black criminality, but a few riots could make those areas off limits to whites once more. This would have to have an impact on nice white ladies whose kids have purchased a condo downtown or maybe she is an empty nester/divorced and has moved back downtown herself. Instead of some abstract “Isn’t that awful what the police are doing to innocent blacks”, you are now speaking directly to her bank account.

* The media is deliberately inciting it.

If they reported non-black victims of police shootings then the media’s narrative – that blacks are being specifically targeted – collapses, and it’s that lie which they have been pumping into the heads of 85 IQ adult children that is getting lots of people killed.

* I don’t make bets, but I can give you many reasons why #BLM will never be compared to SCLC or Freedom Riders:

1. SCLC/Freedom Riders had a specific goal: de-segregation. #BLM has no specific goal, it’s just acting out about police violence.

2. SCLC/Freedom Riders had specific agendas: enforcing the law. #BLM has no specific legislation in mind, it’s not as though police officers are going to be disarmed, or something.

3. SCLC/Freedom Riders were consistent: they wanted de-segregation, public accommodation, and voting rights for everyone. #BLM is fundamentally hypocritical, since they are outraged when blacks are killed by police, but they are unable to coordinate any activity to stop the vastly greater number of shootings in their neighborhoods.

4. SCLC/Freedom riders were very deliberately presentable: clean cut, well dressed, and passive. #BLM is disruptive, violent, and has already engendered several riots and at least one mass shooting.

5. SCLC/Freedom riders was driven by a mismatch of legal decisions and actual reality in the Deep South. #BLM is driven by the mismatch of PC equality expectations and the continuing laggard performance in many black communities, including crime, drugs, and as a result, much more jittery police response.

In other words, SCLC/Freedom riders was a social phenomenon that was driven by a disconnect between laws as written and laws as administered. It actually helped achieve those goals.

#BLM on the other hand is an epiphenomenon reaction to an epiphenomenon itself, namely, the number of black fatalities in police / black community incidents. But that violence is ultimately traceable to the failed state of too many black communities. That’s the real problem. If #BLM wanted to address the real problem, they would work to fix that. Unless they listen to T. Genius, who insists there’s nothing wrong with any black communities. So far, they have accomplished absolutely nothing positive. And I’m not holding my breath that it will.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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