Steve Sailer: BLM Back at It Already: Have You No Sense of Decency, Sir?

The more Black Lives Matter protests and killings, the better it is for Donald Trump.

Steve Sailer writes:

In the wake of five white cops being murdered at the Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas on Thursday, you might think that BLM would have taken the weekend off out of mourning (shame).

But no …

The usual obnoxious BLM rallies — e.g., blocking freeways, throwing fireworks and chunks of concrete at cops — were held again across the country on Friday and Saturday nights. BLM self-promoter DeRay McKesson, who recently snagged for himself a $165k job with the Baltimore public school system, got himself ostentatiously arrested Saturday.

It has to be worrying to the more perceptive Hillary strategists, who found BLM useful in humiliating Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley (but not Hillary), that their Coalition of the Fringes strategy is so reliant upon restrained behavior by the bottom of the bottom fringe they’ve incited.

The upper reaches of BLM are mostly Obama-style quasi-black exotics on the career hustle: gays (e.g., DeRay), angry lesbians, wealthy black kids, black studies majors, blacks with one white parent or immigrant elite parents … the kind of educated individuals that the Clinton campaign and mainstream media are comfortable dealing with.

But the urban masses BLM is trying to rile up include a lot of individuals with poor impulse control and a documented history of violence.

Hillary has been playing fire.


* Unspoken assumption: blacks and whites behave exactly the same on average under similar circumstances.

* I wonder what’s going on in the minds of Scandinavians in Minnesota right now. It’ll be interesting to see what level of diversity would cause a shift to the right.

* If President Obama had a son, would he look like Micah X., the Dallas shooter?

If not, why not?

* Question for Hillary:

Is closing down interstate highways and multiple downtown arterial roads OK?

She really needs to answer this question.

* If you want to be a public intellectual or a political leader you cannot always just speak the unvarnished truth as it appears in your mind, because you must take into account the limitations of your audience. This is not to put things on the level of a Straussian idea of esoteric speech, either to avoid persecution or because hoi polloi doesn’t deserve to know the truth. It is rather a common sense understanding that words have consequences among your entire audience, including the 1/3 of Americans with IQ’s below 85 (or whatever the actual percentage is).

In the current situation we have the twin phenomena of chronic failure and rampant crime in many AA communities, coupled with a technological and social media platform that makes it easy to instantly goad an internet mob into intense outbursts. Recognizing that this is the root cause of the crisis means that, if you are going to be leader, you have to address these issues carefully and with circumspection, to avoid inflaming the situation or creating simple minded dichotomies like black/cops, straights/gays, or whatever. None of our political leadership has been particularly good at this, but Hillary has definitely built her campaign on this. In fact, for most of these cases I seriously question whether it is responsible political leadership to say anything at all. For example, I don’t think any of Obama’s bloviating about Trayvon or Ferguson actually stopped any disturbances, or brought about any peace. In fact, it was perceived if anything as a justification for public demonstrations.

We will know if there are any consequences to this intentional or unintended but consequential polarization and baiting over the course of the next three weeks. And then we have the long hot month of August.

I’m not very upbeat about Trump’s candidacy, based on his previous undisciplined speech, but I won’t criticize him here. I do think he represents a better hope than Hillary Clinton. Her candidacy can be damaged if there is continued violence and she refuses to dissociate from those elements of society that she has wittingly or unwittingly inspired to violence. If there is violence, and she refuses the dissociate, she is likely to lose a significant percentage of the Great Middle of the D party. If there is violence, and she does dissociate, she will anger the fractious media that for the most part has been supporting her unstintingly (but see Maureen Dowd’s highly critical column today), and lose those minority votes. If there is no further violence she will still have to contend with the broad perception of her and her husband as a couple of arrogant crooks. Given the levels of uncertainty and violence going on, I would not want someone who is so lax about security and seemingly so lacking in integrity (“what difference does it make?”) answering any 3 AM phone calls, which, given her track record, would probably be tapped and on youtube in half an hour anyway.

But please, let’s try to get Labor Day without a lot more blood on the streets.

* Expecting blacks as a group to feel shame is invariably a fool’s errand.

This all could hardly have come at a better time for Hillary.

She’s added fuel to the fire by lecturing whites about our supposed responsibilities towards blacks without any sort of reciprocation.

To the 2016 Democrat, whites have only responsibilities and blacks have only rights.

* I really could care less about BLM, what concerns me more, much more, is the MSM’s lack of balanced coverage of the three separate events last week. I know the names and have met the family’s of the two men shot dead by the police. I won’t mention their names but I am absolutely sure you know them, just like the names of Travone Martin, Eric Gardner and Michael Brown are stuck in your head. When Freddie Gray died in police custody we had a photo line up of the six cops accused of murdering him. Now, without a Google assist, name one of the six Dallas cops shot and killed last week. I saw the sickening photo stills, from a security video, that showed one of the officers trying to hide behind a concrete pillar before being gunned down, and then shot again while he is prone.

* I think a lot of the BLM leaders are simply the result of generations of affirmative action. Expectations have now collided into biological reality.

Some portion of this may simply be white liberals shifting the focus away from reality onto magic in order to avoid facing that reality. We’re onto three generations of progressive race policy and blacks seem to have topped out and now are falling down the social order. Everyone notices the impact of automation on the rednecks, but no one wants to think about what happens when the DMV is automated.

Either way, all quiet here in the ghetto. Nice fist fight today between two pizza guys, but both were Mexicans so no gun fire.

* What do you expect? They retain momentum, despite the 9/11-ness of Dallas a few days ago. It’s not as if black people feel ashamed when Black Supremacists kill white people. (What are they, white people?) And it’s not as if the government, not counting rank and file cops, and the MSM are gonna suddenly decide they don’t want the race war they’ve been stoking these past several years.

* I’m in MN, and the refrain “God, I’m sick of black people” is going through my mind. Everyone else is a little stirred up by the video, thinking BLM is at it again, those naughty kids, and wondering, “What’s for dinner?”

Black unrest is mostly isolated to a couple of neighborhoods of Minneapolis, which might as well be on the dark side of the moon. We see them on the news. Sometimes the natives spill out, and we pretend to care about them. We care a little more these days, but that’ll dissipate.

I have noticed more and more black people in my suburb. Maybe my hometown is in decline, or maybe it’s a result of the open conspiracy to disperse them and make them someone else’s problem. In any case, they don’t threaten me, and I could care less if they march on the Mall of America (which their type pretty much owns, anyway) or whatever.

* I wonder if Steve is flattered or annoyed his basic statistical analysis has been copied by NY Times’s David Wasserman.

He provides the following figures/estimates:

Romney got 61% of the white vote, but needed 64% to win.

Because of demographic change, Trump will need 65% to win. Put another way, Trump needs the votes of roughly 1 in 10 of the white voters who are in the left-most 39% of whites.

There is a tried and true way to do this: a law and order campaign. 2012 was completely about different issues.

Another fun fact from Wasserman’s article: the white share of the population declined in all 50 states. The only place voting for prez where it went up: D.C.

* % of population distributed at IQ 85 and lower:

44% of blacks
34% of Hispanics
13% of whites
8 % of Asians

Source for that (AlFin) drew from Gottfredson and similar studies.

Politicians aren’t pitching to them; they don’t vote as much. They pitch to those who keep them as virtue-signaling pets.


* Hillary has been playing fire.

* Has she been? The media is there to make sure that no one (except extremist crimethinkers like the people who read this blog) ever draws a connection between Hillary/Obama, BLM and events like the Dallaa shootings. It hasn’t rebounded on them so far. What does Hillary have to fear? Someone draw this out for me, I really don’t know what it would take for the Democrats to pay a political price for all this hate they’ve been stirring up.


* Bill has to be shrieking in Hillary’s ear, “Move to the center, dammit! You’ve already won the primary and now you have to win the general! Move right, dammit, or you’ll lose!”

If she doesn’t listen, she’s an idiot. However, she’s already proved she doesn’t have his political instincts, and she makes a point of surrounding herself with yes-persons. Hillary is just arrogant enough to think she knows better than Bill, and I have no doubt she wants to win by calling her own shots.

* Trent Lott telling an old Strom Thurmond at his birthday party that we should have elected him president and the media forced the GOP to remove Lott as Senate majority leader.

David Duke giving an unsolicited endorsement to Donald Trump and the media attempted to force Trump to disavow and denounce Duke a couple hundred times.

Hillary and Bill with actual relationships with people calling for the murder of whites and white cops and the media does nothing.

* When large blocks of society are given permission to hate other large blocks of society, and when that hate is actually considered righteous and virtuous, then how can anyone expect a good outcome? Hate and virtue are an irresistible cocktail for the human animal. They stimulate all kinds of gratification centers in our reptilian brain: desire for certainty, imposing your will on others, dominance, outgrouping, morality, social bonding, etc. In modern societies, many of these darker aspects of humanity are necessarily suppressed to keep peace and order.

We’ve managed to create valves to let off some of this primal steam in sports and military. The problem of recent years is that weakness has been praised so much that people who are not good at sports or physical combat have become celebrated, which is not necessarily a bad thing in itself, but one of the offshoots is that they have been given soapboxes for moral grandstanding. And they have sided with “oppressed” groups who are very comfortable carrying out violence (inner-city youth, etc.).

Most of history has been a struggle to sanction violence. The social justice movement isn’t even trying to hide that this is their goal any more.

Witness a spokesperson for By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), that “militant, integrated” SJW group who shut down the Traditionalist Workers Party meeting in Sacramento last month. During her interview, with a ridiculously oversized bandage on her head, her face is beaming with ecstatic, righteous vigor that is a carbon copy of faces throughout history of religious zealots burning witches, beheading apostates, crucifying nonbelievers, etc., etc.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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