Monthly Archives: March 2023

Nathan Cofnas, Lipton Matthews Discuss Jews (3-24-23)

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Trump Indictment Tomorrow? (3-21-23)

01:00 I bought her silence with your superchats 06:30 Rise of the Neo-Prudes! — Amy Wax, 10:00 The art of forgetting, 14:30 Tucker on the prospects of an indictment of Donald Trump 18:30 The Silicon Valley Bank Attack? … Continue reading

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Will A Trump Indictment Spark Riots? (3-20-23)

01:30 Tucker Carlson on Trump’s looming indictment 24:00 Heterodox Academy: A good idea gone awry?, 25:00 Why it took years for Cofnas to publish his critque of Heterodox Academy 26:00 Four Reasons Why Heterodox Academy Failed, 42:00 Bethany … Continue reading

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NYR: Adherents to Maria Montessori’s radical methods have extended from progressive parents to Benito Mussolini

From the New York Review: * From her earliest days at the university Montessori identified as a feminist and a socialist. She became secretary of the Association for Women, a group that lobbied for community education, female suffrage, a law … Continue reading

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Having the Last Word

From the New York Review: * Janet Malcolm made her reputation writing about people who didn’t know when to shut up. Most of us like to talk about ourselves, and given the faintest encouragement will say enough to wind up … Continue reading

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