Monthly Archives: December 2022

Kanye West vs the Pharisees (12-13-22)

02:00 Kanye West to Proud Boys Founder: ‘Jews Should Work for Christians’, 13:00 Ye and Alex Jones Break the Internet in MUST SEE New Interview!,!:6 28:20 Is the Talmud Racist?, 33:00 Canadian Dispatch December 12 with Kevin … Continue reading

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Day 38 Down Under: Kanye, Nick, Alex And The Mystery Cult Religion (12-12-22)

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Is Kanye West Winning? (12-11-22)

01:00 Spencer gives props to Kanye & Nick Fuentes – Killstream, 14:00 The Game of Our Lives: The Meaning And Making Of English Football, 15:45 Elliott Blatt joins 17:00 Elliott doesn’t like the French 28:00 Generation X’s time … Continue reading

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The Ball is Round: A Global History of Soccer

Here are some highlights from this 2008 book by David Goldblatt: * The British historian Eric Hobsbawm encapsulated this oddity when he wrote ‘The twentieth century was the American century in every way but one: sport.’ This is not exactly … Continue reading

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The Game of Our Lives: The Meaning And Making Of English Football

Here are some highlights from this 2015 book by David Goldblatt: * Sir Richard Turnbull, the penultimate governor of Aden, told Denis Healey, then Britain’s defense secretary, that, “When the British Empire finally sank beneath the waves of history, it … Continue reading

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