Monthly Archives: July 2021


Randall Collins writes: Marilyn Monroe had a famous career: famously good, famously bad, pretty much simultaneously. Once launched, everything she did made her famous; and everything she did caused her grief. Why? Look at it from the point of view … Continue reading

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‘School athletics at the center of attention devalues intellectual students’

Sociologist Randall Collins writes: Anyone who has been to high school in the United States knows there is a prestige system, with the jocks and cheerleaders at the top, and the nerds at the bottom. The term “nerd” has no … Continue reading

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Seven Reasons Cops Are Disliked

Sociologist Randall Collins writes: [1] Police are used for collecting fines for municipal budgets. This has been a long-standing practice in speed traps, where heavy fines are levied on drivers, usually on highways outside of town; since locals know where … Continue reading

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High Status Tastes

From the new paper “Genres, Objects, and the Contemporary Expression of Higher-Status Tastes”: Individuals are deemed to be higher status when they have the following characteristics: a high level of childhood exposure to the arts, a graduate degree, one standard … Continue reading

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WP: To Trump’s hardcore supporters, his rallies weren’t politics. They were life.

For some people, Trump is a substitute religion. From the Washington Post: * They were mostly older White men and women who lived paycheck to paycheck with plenty of time on their hands – retired or close to it, estranged … Continue reading

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