Monthly Archives: May 2021


I sense that much of the audience for talk radio and right-wing punditry feels emasculated. The world has changed and they don’t know how to cope. The more successful part of the audience also sees that the world has changed, … Continue reading

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Why are young men so scared of sex? (5-20-21)

00:00 Zoe Strimpel talks about Love and Sex, 03:00 Why are young men so scared of sex?, 17:00 Why crypto currency is a fraud, 18:00 How Baseball Cards Explain What Bitcoin Really Is, 20:00 The Best … Continue reading

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Sleep & Happiness

When I go to bed happy and feel happy even when I wake up and would rather be sleeping, I sleep better. On the other hand, the more angry I get about my lack of sleep or my life circumstances, … Continue reading

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00:00 Political Hysterias Of The Right & Left, 03:00 Covid Cover-Up: Did It Come From A Lab?, 05:00 As New Evidence Emerges For COVID “Lab-Leak” Theory, Journalists Who Screamed “Conspiracy” Humiliate Themselves, 11:00 WP: Congress is finally … Continue reading

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Howard Stern Comes Again

Howard writes in this 2019 book: * I’m not proud of my first two books. I don’t even have them displayed on my bookshelf at home. I think of them, and of the interviews I did with my guests during … Continue reading

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