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Daily Archives: December 30, 2020
Is America Headed For Civil War? (12-30-20)
00:00 Should everyone start a Youtube channel? https://twitter.com/Godward16/with_replies 10:00 A BRIDGERTON TOO FAR?, https://affirmativeright.blogspot.com/2020/12/a-bridgerton-too-far.html 26:00 “SKINFLINT” CONGRESS COUGHS UP ONLY $56 FOR EACH ISRAELI CITIZEN, https://trad-news.blogspot.com/2020/12/skinflint-congress-coughs-up-only-56.html 45:30 Can you recover fully without telling your therapist everything?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmkJfBv8WpU 51:00 Dooovid joins … Continue reading
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Norman Podhoretz Vs The New York Intellectuals Of Partisan Review (12-30-20)