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Daily Archives: December 9, 2020
Envy Up, Scorn Down: How Status Divides Us
Professor Susan Fiske wrote in this 2011 book: * Walking down a dark alley, you spot an approaching figure. What is the first thing you want to know? If you are a sentry, you cry out, “Halt! Who goes there? … Continue reading
NYT: Rising anxiety over declining social status tells us a lot about how we got here and where we’re going
Why is status important? After survival, it is probably the most powerful human impulse because it has so much sway over one’s long-term survival and likelihood of successful reproduction. The opposite of status is humiliation. Constant humiliation results in loneliness … Continue reading
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Sunrise, Sunset
Stunning Sunrise over Los Angeles from the LA God of Helicopter Reporting https://t.co/G1DWnXttSj — Ken Smith (@KenSmithTV) December 7, 2020 Good Morning Friends !Los Angeles Mega City lights making 4:00AM look like a Sunrise !It is going to be 75 … Continue reading
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