Monthly Archives: December 2020

Why Did Blacks Make More Progress Before Civil Rights Than After?

From comments to Steve Sailer: * By every standard you can measure….blacks were much better off before “civil rights.” Prior to the left “helping” blacks with desegregation, blacks had thriving businesses, an intact family unit, a much lower rate of … Continue reading

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Sailer: Both Pfizer and Moderna Could Have Announced Their Vaccines’ Efficacy Before the Election, Which Likely Would Have Meant a Trump Victory

Steve Sailer writes: “… if Trump really were the authoritarian strongman his haters claim he is and his fanboys hope he is, he would have done something about this, such as, at minimum, dispatch his SEC to warn Pfizer that … Continue reading

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A Little Less Lonely

A listener says: “Hey Luke been listening to your show a lot lately and thought your segment on loneliness and having a “place for you” was beautiful. I’m a 25 year old who hasn’t had a friend or girlfriend since … Continue reading

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Lost Connections: Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope

Johann Hari wrote in this 2018 book: * When I was a child, something unexpected happened to my parents. My father grew up in a tiny village in the Swiss mountains called Kandersteg where he could have named every other … Continue reading

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This Morning’s Spectacular Sunrise

Thanks for the sunrise, Los Angeles.#LosAngeles #sunrisers #LosAngelesLockdown #SoCal #SaturdayMorning #sunrise — Afonso Salcedo (@fonziewonzie) December 5, 2020 We've been having some outrageously stunning sunrises lately. This was this morning 12/5/20. Have a great day! #LA #sunrise #California #nature … Continue reading

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