Monthly Archives: May 2020

The Victory Machine: The Making and Unmaking of the Warriors Dynasty

Here are some highlights from this 2020 book: * On March 2, 2019, sports media impresario Bill Simmons conducted a news-making one-on-one panel with NBA commissioner Adam Silver at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. Though Simmons is by nature … Continue reading

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Mrs. America

I enjoy watching this show but its main character, Phyllis Schlafly, is the only character you are consistently manipulated to loathe. Comments at Steve Sailer: * Steve: Cate Blanchett is playing conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly who defeated the Equal Rights … Continue reading

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Bringing Souls Out Of Hiding

Ideas that give me energy: * Pursuing excellence. * Think about what I’ve done excellently * Think about the look on the faces of people who appreciate me. Think about the pretty girls I’ve kissed and how they said wow … Continue reading

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The End Of October

Here are some highlights from this new Lawrence Wright novel: * The youthful prime minister was a nationalist, with his hair closely trimmed on the sides and long on top, the fashion for the neofascists taking over Europe. Predictably, he … Continue reading

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The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph

Here are some highlights from this 2014 book by Ryan Holiday: * As Gavin de Becker writes in The Gift of Fear, “When you worry, ask yourself, ‘What am I choosing to not see right now?’ What important things are … Continue reading

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