Monthly Archives: November 2018

#104 11-7-18 Divide And Conquer – Post Mid-Terms Analysis 2018

00:00 KMG leaves Edmonton for Victoria 06:00 Jim Acosta loses his hard press pass to White House 08:00 Trump’s first 22 months was mixed 12:00 KMG on mid-terms 20:00 Bill Kristol says demography is destiny 26:00 David Brooks in NYT: … Continue reading

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Gay Rock Stars

Comments at Steve Sailer: * First, Mercury was not gay. He was bi. May let this slip in an NPR interview when he got his PhD. The NPR hack was all about celebrating Mercury being a gay icon, and May … Continue reading

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Election Commentary

A friend says: The Democrats took several traditionally Republican seats in California which pushed their gains to plus 36 instead of the plus 26 last night. That’s a lot bigger than I anticipated although I don’t know if substantively it … Continue reading

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Election Open Thread

From Steve Sailer: * Rush was right that the GOP was gaslit by the Russian-collusion hoax coming out of the gate. Recall after winning in Nov. 2016, Trump was almost immediately attacked with the Russia collusion crap. And there were … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘He Needs His Pretty Little Face Bashed In,’ a Therapist Tells an Undercover F.B.I. Agent

From the New York Times: The New Jersey psychotherapist wanted revenge, and, as luck would have it, one of her patients had revealed in his therapy sessions that he was a former member of an organized criminal gang, according to … Continue reading

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