Monthly Archives: August 2018

Taxi Driver

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The pimp character in Taxi Driver, that was ultimately played by Harvey Keitel, was originally (and in the screenplay) to be black. However, the studio thought the image of a black pimp with a white … Continue reading

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Theater Thursday: The Death Of Stalin (2017)

MP3: * Steve Sailer on The Death of Stalin. More. * Millennial Couple Bikes Near ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed * Full text: Senator Fraser Anning’s maiden speech * How Trump Radicalized ICE * … Continue reading

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Unite The Right 2: Jason Kessler Interview

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Symptoms And Causes Of Failure & Success

Claire Khaw writes: Your problem is that you want to get married but having a YouTube channel like this is like a working porn actress going husband-hunting. My advice is to settle down and enjoy what is good about your … Continue reading

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Greg Conte Resigns From Richard Spencer’s Operation (8-14-18)

MP3: I have resigned from NPI and . I remain totally committed to fighting for the rights of our people. More to come… — Gregory Conte (@Real_Greg_Conte) August 14, 2018 8/10/18 update: Report: Richard Spencer Has Left … Continue reading

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