Monthly Archives: June 2018


I was inspired by this webinar by Alex Katehakis. Far West comments: “I’ve asked myself the same question while feeling lonely at parties – “does anyone here care about me?” I like your therapists response. People will naturally begin to … Continue reading

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Trump attacks ‘filthy’ Red Hen restaurant for turning away Sarah Huckabee Sanders

From The Independent: Donald Trump has described a Virginia restaurant that refused to serve White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders as “filthy”. The president hit out at the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington on Twitter, after it turned Ms … Continue reading

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My Rage, Resentment And Despair With Technology

Come July 3, I’ll have been blogging for 21 years, but I’ve never been ahead of the curve with technology. I only started using proper blogging software (WordPress) in 2006. I only started my Youtube channel in 2007. I only … Continue reading

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Parasha Balak (6-24-18)

Listen. From Chabad: Balak, the king of Moab, summons the prophet Balaam to curse the people of Israel. On the way, Balaam is berated by his donkey, who sees, before Balaam does, the angel that G‑d sends to block their … Continue reading

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The Bronze Age Mindset (6-22-18)

From Vox: Who is Bronze Age Pervert? That’s not altogether clear. His profile photograph is of an impossibly buff man facing away from the camera. His bio identifies him as an “Aspiring Nudist Bodybuilder. Free speech and anti-xenoestrogen activist.” He’s … Continue reading

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