Monthly Archives: April 2018

White nationalist Chris Cantwell, known for role in Charlottesville riots, arrested in Leesburg

Christopher Cantwell blogs: You may have heard I was recently featured on Warski Live. The video was taken down immediately after the stream, which I did not hold against them since the show airs from Canada and YouTube censorship has … Continue reading

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Jordan Peterson Revisits The JQ

The Canadian psychology professor writes: Jews are genuinely over-represented in positions of authority, competence and influence. New York Jews, in particular, snap up a disproportionate number of Nobel prizes (see this Times of Israel article), and Jews are disproportionately eligible … Continue reading

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Warski Hosts Smartest JQ Debate Yet

MP3 from my appearance a few months ago. Frame Game: Halsey: JF Gariepy: John Macintyre Analyzing The Jewish Question. I am not in the business of white advocacy or Alt Right advocacy or Jewish advocacy. I stand outside of activism … Continue reading

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Sailer’s First Law Of Female Journalism

Steve Sailer writes in 2009: This is another example of Sailer’s Law of Female Journalism: The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself … Continue reading

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Journalist Elites Are Also Cognitive Elites (Top 1%)

A new study of the cognitive elite, this time relative to the NY Times & Wall St Journal. Is it unseemly for me to say that The Bell Curve absolutely freaking nailed it a quarter of a century ago? I … Continue reading

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