Monthly Archives: March 2018

The High IQ of Abraham’s Children

An interview with John Entine: What are the most important findings from your book? Abraham’s Children is a sequel of sorts to a previous book, Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We’re Afraid to Talk About It. Both … Continue reading

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Frame Game Radio Discusses The ADL, SPLC And The Youtube Diaspora (3-4-18)

Frame Game is the most popular and most influential Jew with regard to the Alt Right. He has accounts on Youtube, Twitter and Gab.

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News: Richard Spencer’s metro Detroit lawyer dissociates from alt-right following negative press

Here’s Kyle Bristow’s resignation statement: In recent weeks, journalists have published horrifically disparaging articles about me which contain acerbic, offensive, juvenile, and regrettable statements I mostly made over a decade ago while I was in college and a prominent and … Continue reading

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Everything You Love Will Burn: Inside the Rebirth of White Nationalism in America

I bought this book because I was under the impression that the author had been undercover with WNs for six years, but apparently he was always out as a “reporter.” He doesn’t stint on the virtue-signalling, which does not mean … Continue reading

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Halsey English Vs Mark Collett On The JQ

My notes after watching the debate: I’ve never wanted to get glib talkers on my show. I’m not interested in slick speakers because they are never careful about facts, they’re not scholars, not intellectuals. * Mark Collett came across best, … Continue reading

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