Monthly Archives: March 2018

The Explanatory Power Of IQ

Larry says: “Either intelligence explains stuff and black poverty is natural and Jewish overrepresentation is natural, or else black poverty is a problem and Jewish overrepresentation is a problem.” You’re talking about social facts in purely abstract terms and omitting … Continue reading

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Notice How Jews Were ‘Murdered’ But Non-Jews Were Merely ‘Persecuted’

According to the Museum of Tolerance: “The Holocaust took place in Europe between 1933 and 1945. Six million Jews were systematically and brutally murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators. Millions of non-Jews, including Roma and Sinti (Gypsies), Serbs, political … Continue reading

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Critiquing Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy

Youtube comments: * This was superb content Luke. Takes a clear and open mind to see the value you bring to this discussion, taking TRS types out of a bubble and letting us see the brilliance and at times weakness … Continue reading

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Should Jews Talk To The Alt Right?

Lorem writes: 2:18:33 Luke said, "It's important for Jews to talk to the Striker's of the world." Right on Luke! Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro will not debate the At-Right and so I lost respect for them. Here is a … Continue reading

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Frame Games Radio Does Warski Live – Debates Jewish Mathematician About In-Group Preferences (3-9-18)

Frame Game’s Jewish opponent Dave, an anonymous mathematician, constantly interrupts Frame and the moderators but he has many important things to say, particularly in the first 30 minutes. * Just as physiognomy is real, voice is real. David’s voice is … Continue reading

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