Monthly Archives: February 2018

HalseyNews: Mike Enoch Vs. Halsey English: What if Jews Were Black?

Mike Hendrix writes: What if Jews were black? This is what kept crossing my mind while watching the very popular YouTube debate between Halsey English and Mike Enoch. The reason this crossed my mind? I just kept imagining the NBA … Continue reading

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J. Arthur Bloom writes: A good rule of thumb for hard-right, Nazi or Nazi-adjacent groups is that one-third of its members are petty criminals, one-third are gay, and one-third are informants. The nature of such groups makes it hard to … Continue reading

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JTA: This Jewish lawyer defends America’s most infamous Nazi

Ron Kampeas writes: WASHINGTON (JTA) — Jay Marshall Wolman, like a thousand other lawyers on Twitter, is wry, maybe a little coarse and, well, Jewish, peppering his tweets with Hebrew blessings and other Jewish references. He gets deadly serious, though, … Continue reading

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Haaretz: “The Link Between Jews and Money Is No Longer Taboo”

I am currently compiling a list of everything I was taught about money growing up such as: * Money is hard to get and easy to lose. * The more money you have, the more problems. * The more stuff … Continue reading

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What Does It Feel Like To Be Selfish?

When I am in my character defects of dishonesty, self-seeking, selfishness, inconsideration and fear, I tighten, compress and narrow. When I am tall and free and easy, I am serene, open and happy. When I want something so badly that … Continue reading

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