Monthly Archives: November 2017

A Goy Is Going To Run The Fed! Oy Gevalt!

First the tiki torches, and now a goy is running the Fed! What next, anti-trust against Google and FB? — (((Luke Ford))) (@lukeford) November 2, 2017 Ok bro… ask any natural born Jew how hardcore you have to be … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer On The Jewish Question

Richard Spencer appears on this October 28, 2017 podcast. Eighty nine minutes in, a host says: “I want to give you a chance to clear the air. I notice that a fair amount of people criticize you for being weak … Continue reading

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Alt Right Is Often More Polite Than Conservatives

Richard Spencer says in this October 28, 2017 podcast: “Conservatives have been race baiting for decades.” Richard Spencer wrote in 2013: Who, really, can be surprised by National Review ‘s firing of John Derbyshire on April 6, 2012, for the sin of practicing anthropology … Continue reading

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Jewishness Is Whiteness From A Muslim Perspective

6 million white people died in the holocaust. #NeverForget — Charles (@absolutelybeady) November 1, 2017

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Is Hollywood Different After Harvey Weinstein?

Danielle Berrin writes for the Jewish Journal: Last week, I had dinner with two high-level film producers, both male, and two women who worked for one of them. The only thing we discussed for three hours was Harvey Weinstein and … Continue reading

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