Monthly Archives: November 2017

Shoah Director Accused Of Sexual Harassment

Put this article through Google Translate and you get: I was 29, as for NRC to interview Claude Lanzmann in Paris, the documentary maker who with his phenomenal film Shoah (1985) penetrated to the essence of the Nazi death camps. … Continue reading

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Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting on the Road to Recovery

Here are some excerpts from this 2016 book: Although chiropractors often tell patients that long-term treatment is essential, there is no evidence that ongoing chiropractic care of back pain (or any other symptom or disorder) is effective. The Cochrane Collaboration … Continue reading

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Smart People Live In The Future

Speaking w/ someone who has higher IQ than you is, pretty literally, speaking w/ an alien from the future. — Justin Murphy (@jmrphy) November 2, 2017 Justin Murphy writes: Human intelligence is one of the most well understood … Continue reading

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ADL: White Supremacist Infighting Escalates After Shelbyville Event

From the ADL: White supremacists have been fighting among themselves ever since the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. That infighting escalated following last weekend’s White Lives Matter (WLM) rally in Shelbyville, Tennessee. About 200 white supremacists around … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: A Debate Over the Dodgers’ Iranian-Japanese Pitcher Yu Darvish

Steve Sailer writes: First fan: Darvish should do the honorable thing and remove himself from the game by committing seppuku on the mound. Second fan: Or at least he could flog himself Shi’ite style on his way to the showers. … Continue reading

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