Monthly Archives: November 2017

Putin’s Revenge

I enjoy PBS Frontline’s documentaries. They’re beautiful to watch, even if they’re often bonkers, such as the production of the last two weeks. I don’t recall one realist being interviewed. Shorter Putin’s Revenge: Putin loves Russia and hates its enemies. … Continue reading

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‘Has anyone noticed that the alleged Hollywood serial molesters are mostly self professed leftists & male feminists?’

Has anyone noticed that the alleged Hollywood serial molesters are mostly self professed leftists & male feminists? — Black Pigeon Speaks (@navyhato) November 2, 2017

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Leonard Bernstein

Comment: *The Forward* has a big piece up today, celebrating the 100th birthday of Leonard Bernstein. No mention of the fact that Bernstein was just about the most notorious, flagrant & gross sexual abuser of young men ever to walk … Continue reading

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Antifa Vs AfD

Comment: “A state chairman of the AfD moved into an apartment and soon got harassed by antifa, his car was burnt, other cars and a balcony of the house were damaged, this had happened before elsewhere. According to a German … Continue reading

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Billionaire Mogul To Be Outed As Rapist?

From the blog Crazy Days: Yesterday and last night a studio (___________) was in crisis mode with executives flying in and lawyers summoned. All because this perverted jerk director (____________) and his company (_________) are such a major part of … Continue reading

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