Monthly Archives: October 2017

Tabletmag: Digital Fascism: Anti-PC Idol-Smashing Isn’t Just a Joke – Internet trolls, ritualized social-media cruelty, online cesspools, and their real-world political effects

Jacob Siegel wrote the thoughtful profile of Paul Gottfried a few months ago. Jacob Siegel and Angela Nagle write for Tabletmag: After Charlottesville, the mask of irony that wrong-footed so many commentators was ripped from the U.S. alt-right. And more … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Two Modes of Intellectual Discourse: Taking Everything Personally v. Debate as Sport

Steve Sailer writes in 2012: Much of the intellectual progress the world has made over the millennia is due to men managing to turn argument into sport rather than either a test of popularity or of physical strength. …the superiority … Continue reading

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Andrew Gelman: Beyond “power pose”: Using replication failures and a better understanding of data collection and analysis to do better science

Andrew Gelman writes: A bunch of people pointed me to a New York Times article by Susan Dominus about Amy Cuddy, the psychology researcher and Ted-talk star famous for the following claim (made in a paper written with Dana Carney … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘How Andrew Gelman Hurt the Feelings of the Power Posing Lady’

Steve Sailer writes: I’ve written a lot over the years about the Replication Crisis in the social sciences as academics attempt to emulate Malcolm Gladwell’s success on the corporate conference circuit. The New York Times Magazine offers a long sympathetic … Continue reading

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