Daily Archives: October 11, 2017

Why Aren’t There Great Jewish Minds Debunking The Alt Right?

The truth about Jews and non-Jews has to be somewhere in between the critics and the advocates. The Alt Right can’t be 100% correct. The Jewish establishment can’t be 100% correct either. I know Kevin MacDonald, Richard Spencer, Andrew Joyce, … Continue reading

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Moses Wouldn’t Expect ‘China’ to Change

Chris* writes: In fact, no rational observer since Hegel has doubted his incisive judgment that nothing fundamental has changed in China over a span of three-plus millennia (‘Lectures on the Philosophy of History,’ ca. 1830). Hegel didn’t make it perfectly … Continue reading

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The NFL Controversy

Joe* says: I see no point in weighing in on the NFL controversy. However, I observed when Trump first made his comments about firing players who took a knee that after decades of wrapping itself in the flag, and seeing … Continue reading

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