Monthly Archives: July 2017

The YU Experience

Rabbi Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff says in this May 29, 2017 lecture: “The Rav said we have to have a real college… They had to get real professors to get accreditation… It has to be a real university experience. We have … Continue reading

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When ‘obsessed’ is used as a put-down, I know the accuser doesn’t have honor and doesn’t have an argument

I notice that in online wars, one of the first put-downs used is “obsessed.” If somebody writes frequently about one topic, the person is “obsessed” if you don’t like what he writes, be it on Jews, blacks, WASPs, Chinese, Republicans, … Continue reading

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Why Are There So Many Jews In The Media/Banking/Whatever?

As media, banking and other businesses are businesses and need to make a profit to stay in business, then it seems obvious to me that the primary reason that Jews dominate certain fields, just like WASPs dominate other fields and … Continue reading

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‘Criminality Among Jews: An Overview’

Here are the sentences that jumped out to me in this 1971 article by Menachem Amir in the journal Issues in Criminology: The conclusion of most studies is that Jews have a low crime rate… However, the Jewish crime rate … Continue reading

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President Trump Destroying Business For Migrant Smugglers

New York Times: “Marcos, a migrant smuggler based near San Pedro Sula, said that last year he had taken one or two groups each month from Honduras to the United States border. Since Mr. Trump’s inauguration, however, he has had … Continue reading

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