Monthly Archives: February 2017

‘Will Trump Follow the Belichick-Brady Playbook to Make America Great Again?’

This is the best explanation I’ve read for how the Patriots won and the Falcons lost. Highlights from the thread at Steve Sailer: * Here’s the real HBD question: How come New England always seems to succeed with short, white … Continue reading

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LAT: How Trump’s policies and rhetoric are forging alliances between U.S. Jews and Muslims

In the West, Jews and Muslims have always been a part of the Coalition of the Fringe (along with blacks, latinos, homosexuals, and other angry minority groups) against the white Christian core. Jews don’t have much in common with other … Continue reading

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The Taming Of The Daily Shoah

Background on the Mike Enoch doxxing. Comments on the recent episode with Greg Johnson: * …the Shoah has become tamer since the doxxing. Doxxing can be a force for good when it countervails the self-defeating extremism that anonymity on the … Continue reading

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Torah Talk: Beshalach (Exodus 13:17–17:16)

This week’s Torah portion is Beshalach (Exodus 13:17–17:16). Listen. * Recap: Joseph designs a plan where the world has to turn over its gold to Egypt survive a long famine, and now with all the world’s gold in Egypt, the … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘The Misunderstood Genius of Russell Westbrook Following the departure of his superstar teammate, Russell Westbrook was left to lead the Oklahoma City Thunder all by himself. That’s when something special happened.’

If Russell Westbrook is a “genius”, I’m not sure what kind of genius. His genius certainly does not consist of winning. Most casual fans of the NBA clearly understand that but apparently this writer does not. Because they were underdogs, … Continue reading

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