Daily Archives: January 16, 2017

The alt-right eats its own: Neo-Nazi podcaster “Mike Enoch” quits after doxxers reveal his wife is Jewish

From Salon: The loosely knit group was shocked to the core Saturday night when one of its most influential leaders — a man known to his online followers as “Mike Enoch,” a virulent racist and anti-Semite — was revealed to … Continue reading

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All The Best Nazis Are Jewish

So I guess that obese guy in the videos from the last National Policy Institute conference is Mike Enoch. From Aryan Skynet: AryanSkynet will not be engaged in any “doxxing” but it’s important to review the facts that have come … Continue reading

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Great Moments In Self-Awareness

Comments at Steve Sailer: * “I got all angsty and neurotic and paranoid about what the goyim think about me, and I decided to stop annoying them,” said no Jew, ever. Nope, he got all angsty and neurotic and paranoid … Continue reading

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The Meaning Of Nation

Comment: A nation isn’t just about ideas and values, but ethnos and history. It’s about roots and identity. After all, if a 100 million Hindus, Chinese, or Nigerians believe in ‘British values’, should UK allow them in? Well, UK may … Continue reading

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Blacks Displaced In Google’s Martin Luther King Day Doodle

Comments: * The MLK Day Google Doodle shows a ‘multicultural’ firing squad lineup, each target already having been surgically deprived of an eye. Brutal. * Blacks have been demoted from center stage on their own day in Google’s version of … Continue reading

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