Monthly Archives: January 2017

Parasha Vayechi (Genesis 47:28–50:26)

Listen. Wikipedia: “Vaychi, or Vayhi (וַיְחִי‎ — Hebrew for “and he lived,” the first word of the parashah) is the twelfth weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‎, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the last in the Book … Continue reading

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NYT: Chicago Hate Crime Wasn’t Anti-white or Anti-Trump, It Was Anti-intellectually-disabled

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Totem-Pole theory explains America. Blacks sit on the top of the Totem Pole. The mentally handicapped come a few icons down – below women. * I don’t think the NYT ever did get around to … Continue reading

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Will There Be A Coup Against Trump?

I was talking to friends: * It appears that although there is a shrill not insubstantial minority of Democrats who want to go down fighting against Donald Trump, Trump is consolidating his position and even a majority of Democrats want … Continue reading

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Mike Enoch and Andrew Anglin talk to Richard Spencer about his Texas A&M event.

This is a darkly funny podcast from Dec. 20. I thought there would be more hatred of Jews on the show with the Daily Stormer but that is hardly mentioned. Richard Spencer: “The first time a goy defeated a Jew … Continue reading

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Republicans, Democrats & Zionists

Paul Gottfried writes: Lately I’ve been watching the blossoming lovefest between the conservative-Republican establishment and those on the Left who are raging over the Obama administration’s reaction to the UN resolution against Israel. Arguably, this resolution was an attempt to … Continue reading

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