Monthly Archives: January 2017

Best Explanation Of The Alt Right

Comment: “Anybody seen this piece by Tablet? This is probably the best explanation of the Alt-Right from an intellectual perspective, including in its relationship to paleoconservatism and movement conservatism, that I’ve seen in a mainstream publication. It’s hostile, of course, … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer writes: Dr. Matt emphasizes that contemporary Americans are more stiff upper lip. Our culture doesn’t like people complaining about being homesick. For example, we emphasize to 17 year olds that they are supposed to go off to a … Continue reading

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WEHT To The Science Reporting In The New York Times?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The role of Jon Mooallem at the New York Times science section is like that of the propagandists at Pravda and Red Army News who were allowed to travel abroad and/or read foreign press and … Continue reading

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JTA: Israeli prof accused of harassment returns to UCLA classroom, prompting protests

Whoever heard of an Israeli committing sexual harassment? I’m shocked. LOS ANGELES (JTA) — UCLA students vowed to resume their protests Wednesday against Gabriel Piterberg, an Israel-educated historian, over charges by two of his female students of repeated sexual harassment. … Continue reading

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Are Warm Socks Racist?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * There’s something of a joke among world travelers and ex-pats that “hygge” is Danish for “hook up.” When a Danish girl takes you to show you “hygge,” it means you’re getting laid. The Danes are … Continue reading

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