Monthly Archives: January 2017


Chaim Amalek writes: “This is an insightful article, but one thing it misses is the very rapid demographic transformation now underway in Jewish America. Simply put, the old Jewish America of Jews as liberals in a hurry, more attached to … Continue reading

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A gynecologist secretly photographed patients. What’s their pain worth?

I’m sure white racism is to blame. Washington Post: Jyllene Wilson is still wary of doctor’s offices and public restrooms, and whenever she’s away from home, she uses a smartphone app that can help detect hidden cameras to ensure she … Continue reading

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Why Doesn’t Aaron Rodgers Speak To His Family?

From Bleacher Report: One source, who was close to Rodgers for years but is among the many who have since been cut off by Rodgers entirely, said the quarterback has not spoken to his family since December 2014. Don’t feel … Continue reading

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Alt Right Torah

* Alt Right Torah means treating non-Jews as if they were every bit as human as you, had the same hopes and dreams for their people, and extending to these goyim the same sympathy Jews want for themselves. It means … Continue reading

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Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel

Comment: Al-Jazeera released a story where an undercover reporter penetrates into the Israeli Lobby in England. Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel “In the first of a four-part series, Al Jazeera goes undercover inside the … Continue reading

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