Monthly Archives: January 2017

Radix: The Jewish Question (And Some Answers)

In the aftermath of the Mike Enoch fiasco, Andrew Joyce writes: The following is an interview I recently conducted with ‘Reactionary Jew’ and ‘The Rebbe,’ two Twitter figures from a small grouping known as the Jewish ‘Alt-Right,’ or ‘Jewish Alternative.’ … Continue reading

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Somewhere on the Upper East Side, a Jewish Woman Has a Neo-Nazi Husband

Forward: News broke over the weekend that a prominent neo-Nazi troll going by the name Mike Enoch was not a disgruntled grassroots white supremacist coming out of a part of the country with few Jews and a vivid imagination about … Continue reading

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The Aristocrats: The Rothschilds

Narrator: “For two centuries, they have funded war and peace… Yet, for all their wealth, power and influence, there is one class they believe they do not belong to.” A Rothschild woman says 51 seconds in: “We should not be … Continue reading

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Neo-Nazi media outlet collapses after fellow racists discover the founder’s wife is Jewish

Raw Story: Several members of the white nationalist movement are despondent after learning that one of their leaders is actually married to a Jewish woman. As Salon reports, neo-Nazi icon Mike Enoch — the pseudonym used by the man who … Continue reading

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Leading Internet Neo-Nazi Revealed to Secretly Have a Jewish Wife

From Mediaite: The leader and founder of prominent Neo-Nazi blog The Right Stuff and the podcast “The Daily Shoah” (yes, really) was recently doxxed and reportedly revealed to have a Jewish wife. Online he has always gone by the name … Continue reading

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