The Aristocrats: The Rothschilds

Narrator: “For two centuries, they have funded war and peace… Yet, for all their wealth, power and influence, there is one class they believe they do not belong to.”

A Rothschild woman says 51 seconds in: “We should not be part of a series entitled the Aristocrats because we’re not. We’re not part of that tradition of English upper classes. We’re Jewish which means we will always be outsiders.”

A goy tells me: “It seems preposterous to deny being an aristocrat when you’re literally the world’s richest family. But I guess her point is that they didn’t technically get welcomed into the British aristocratic system with titles? But… we’re Jewish, so we’re always outsiders. We’re always the underdogs, even when we’re the only trillionaire family in history.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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