Monthly Archives: December 2016

The Alt Left

Chaim Amalek writes: I am starting a new political grouping in America: the alt-Left. Our politics will be economically liberal to the point of embracing some aspects of socialism (people before profits), yet also nationalistic. American people before profits. We … Continue reading

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Symptoms Of Underearning

Here is how they have manifested in my life: 1. Time Indifference – We put off what must be done and do not use our time to support our own vision and further our own goals. L: Over the past … Continue reading

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Santa Monica Synagogue Smeared with Feces in Attack on Chanukah

Breitbart: SANTA MONICA, California β€” A local synagogue entrance was smeared with feces and food in an apparent antisemitic attack on the first night of Chanukah on Saturday night. Congregants arriving for prayers on Sunday morning at the Living Torah … Continue reading

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When Jewish Pols In the Diaspora Sought To Maximize The Majority’s Rights

Ari Ben Canaan points out the 19th Century Jewish politician Lewis Charles Levin (November 10, 1808 – March 14, 1860). According to Wikipedia: “Shortly after the 1844 Philadelphia riots, Levin ran for Congress and was elected on his party’s platform: … Continue reading

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Who Do You Love?

Have you ever been in a situation where you only cared about one thing? Perhaps it was finding your keys or watching the end of a game or a movie. Perhaps the only thing you cared about was your brother … Continue reading

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