Monthly Archives: November 2016

Ben Shapiro Vs The Alt-Right

Ben Shapiro says: “They want to destroy the Republican Party from within and take it over. They want the constitutional right destroyed. They actually hate the constitutional right more than they hate the left. They don’t actually hate the left. … Continue reading

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Jews & Racism

An Orthodox Jewish friend says to me: “We’re not racists. We’re bigots. We prefer people who are part of Judaism to those outside of it.” Luke: “But if Jews are a race, which was how Jews were referred to a … Continue reading

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Diversity + Proximity = Tragedy

A tale of white flight: I’m devastated. My husband and I saved for 10 years to buy our dream home and since then a bunch of loud, gangster Latinos have moved into our neighborhood. They’ve started having late-night parties every … Continue reading

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The Bubble – SNL

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LAT: Meet the new think tank in town: ‘Alt-right’ comes to Washington to influence Trump

Los Angeles Times: “Beneath the benign-looking guy and the benign-sounding name, the purpose of the National Policy Institute is to push the idea that all men are created unequal,” Beirich said. “Sadly, in American history, there’s nothing new with that … Continue reading

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