Monthly Archives: September 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Lesbian Twist For Election

National Enquirer Sept. 2, 2016: After 40 years in a sham marriage, Hillary Clinton could be on the verge of confessing: “I am a lesbian!” It’s a shocking scenario that has often been secretly considered by her top campaign strategists. … Continue reading

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NYT: Posture Affects Standing, and Not Just the Physical Kind

Jane Brody writes in the New York Times Sept. 6, 2016: Poor posture can have ill effects that radiate throughout the body, causing back and neck pain, muscle fatigue, breathing limitations, arthritic joints, digestive problems and mood disturbances. It can … Continue reading

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Frequency of the word ‘Racism’ in NYT articles, chronologically


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L.A.’s Dirty Little Brown Secret

David Cole writes: Outright racism by Latinos against blacks gets little coverage in the liberal press and no outrage from SJWs, and black “civil rights leaders” are scared shitless to confront it with the same merciless, take-no-prisoners attitude they reserve … Continue reading

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The Alt-right Is Political Punk Rock

Steve Sailer writes: … Hillary’s recent speech denouncing the alt-right has raised eyebrows. It was as if in 1976 progressive-rock titans Emerson, Lake & Palmer had released a double album devoted to excoriating this new band nobody had ever heard … Continue reading

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