Monthly Archives: September 2016

NeverTrumps and the End of America as We Know It

The American Thinker: Jared E. Peterson, American Thinker, September 6, 2016 The election of Hillary Clinton would mean final defeat for American conservativism–for at least a generation and almost certainly for much longer than that. The demographic changes certain to … Continue reading

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What Does Michelle Obama Want?

Steve Sailer writes: As far as I can tell, Michelle Obama has mostly gone through life wanting Ann Romney’s life. She keeps getting annoyed by the fact that her culture wants her to take on more ambitious, more masculine roles. … Continue reading

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2016 Election Is One For The Ages

This is not good optics. — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) September 13, 2016 Comments: * Imagine an election in which a candidate does not ever actually appear. Only surrogates do. Like the person hardly exists at all. Maybe this … Continue reading

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ESPN Chokes On Poz

Comment: ESPN is so pozzed that it’s quickly becoming unwatchable for average cracker-men. Sometimes I’ll hit the gym at lunch time and pass by the TVs. Today as a random sample: ESPN: SportsCenter w/ Cari Champion (black, female) ESPN 2: … Continue reading

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‘Rod Dreher reacts to Charles Murray’s snobby libertarian dismissal of Trump’

Rod Dreher writes: This is the thing that drives me nuts about libertarians. It is a philosophy that works for people who have a significant degree of self-control, or who at least have internalized a social ethic of self-control. That … Continue reading

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