Monthly Archives: September 2016

I Love This Jerusalem Post Article On Trump & The Jews

Trump seems to see Jews accurately. “Abe, it’s antisemitism. All my members will be Jewish.” “Donald – that’s antisemitism,” Foxman said. “You don’t know who your members will be.” If that is antisemitism, then antisemitism is hardly a fearful thing. … Continue reading

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Trump Uses Jews To His Advantage

LINK: A ‘Jerusalem Post’ special report explores differing perspectives on the Republican presidential nominee’s decades-long relationship with the Jewish community. …both supporters and detractors of the Republican nominee agreed on one critical revelation: Trump seems to have something of an … Continue reading

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96% Of Jewish Presidential Money Going To Hillary, 4% To Trump

From 538: In recent years, Republicans have made inroads into the overwhelmingly Democratic constituency of American Jews. But this year, Republican Jews — or Jewish donors to the Republican party, at least — are abandoning their party’s nominee at a … Continue reading

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Hillary Held Hostage

Steve Sailer writes: As we saw this weekend, however, Muslim terrorism is a more worrisome problem for Hillary. I would imagine that she has friends in the Persian Gulf who have assured her that they’ve directed their efforts to export … Continue reading

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Google & Our Brave New Diverse World

Comments at Steve Sailer: * This is my biggest fear, coming to life incrementally: To wit, “He who controls the programmers, controls the future.” And right now, our evil leftist overlords control the programmers. Mucking up history to come up … Continue reading

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