Monthly Archives: August 2016

Human Biodiversity: the Pseudoscientific Racism of the Alt-Right

Ari Feldman writes for the Forward: There’s a piece of the “alt-right” puzzle of bigotry you need to know more about: “human biodiversity.” An ideological successor to eugenics, human biodiversity (HBD) is, like eugenics (from the Greek words for “good” … Continue reading

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Forward: How The Alt-Right Manipulates the Data to ‘Prove’ the Existence of Race

Ari Feldman writes: A group of blogs and Internet forums, led by blogger Steve Sailer, have come together to embrace a successor to the pseudoscientific racist movements of the 20th century. “Human biodiversity” (HBD) is the term they have used … Continue reading

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Where Are The Latinos On HBO’s Hard Knocks?

I watched episode one last night of this new season about the Los Angeles Rams and I rarely saw a latino face. When the show wanted to present how wonderful and exciting Los Angeles is, they showed beautiful white women.

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Jews, Human Biodiversity and Science

Steve Sailer is right. Which group sets the Overton Window in America and around the West? Elites with high IQs. Who determines what is acceptable to discuss publicly? Media and academic elites, which are disproportionately Jewish. Do Jews have a … Continue reading

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Did Assange Say Seth Rich Was Killed For Leaking To Wikileaks?

Steve Sailer writes: Did Assange really say that? Or was he saying that actual or potential sources are made antsy by Seth Rich’s murder? Assange might have been hinting that. Or he might have been saying that his actual and … Continue reading

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