Daily Archives: July 31, 2016

Steve Sailer: Invade the World / Invite the World in a Nutshell: The Khizr Khan Kherfuffle

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The media is as dishonest as the day is long. Here is another relevant tweet: JUST IN: Trump: Muslim soldier was a hero but his father "has no right" to criticize me https://t.co/scaCdzKXNO pic.twitter.com/R8DRNac60N — … Continue reading

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Reports Turkish troops have sealed off Incirlik US/NATO nuclear air base

REPORT: TURKEY has sent police to surround the Incirlik air base it operates with the United States — and where a large stockpile of NATO nuclear weapons is held — ahead of a visit by a senior US official tomorrow. … Continue reading

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How long will minority groups rely upon the kindness of strangers?

Every minority group should ask if they are an asset to their country. Is it true that with Jews/blacks/Muslims/ etc, you lose or do you win? All groups are in a competition for scarce resources and to propagate their genes. … Continue reading

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He Who Controls Test Prep Controls the Future

My peers at high school (I graduated in 1984) often did SAT preparation and the like. Their parents often went over with their homework. As a result, they usually got much better scores than I did. I occasionally asked my … Continue reading

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How Not to Name Your Child

My parents had no idea I would convert to Orthodox Judaism when they named me “Luke Carey Ford.” They feared the other kids at school would call me “Elsie” (LC), but that never happened. I think Luke Ford is an … Continue reading

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