Monthly Archives: June 2016

Scottish woman is named Miss HITLER 2016 in neo-Nazi competition dubbed ‘the ugliest beauty contest ever held’

I wonder if she’s looking for a shidduch? Daily Mail: A Scottish woman has been crowned Miss Hitler 2016 in a sick beauty pageant organised by neo-Nazi youth movement National Action. The sick competition saw a woman with the disturbing … Continue reading

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All Social Networks Are Jewish?

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My addiction means I’m rarely present

I had a GF who was hot and smart, but her best quality was her quality of being intensely present. It would disconcerted some people but I loved it. I never had to explain myself to her because she could … Continue reading

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LAT: YouTube star charged with filing false police report after saying he was beaten near WeHo gay club

Love is love. LA TIMES: An openly gay YouTube star who said that he was brutally assaulted by three men in West Hollywood was charged Wednesday with filing a false police report. Last night was the worst night of my … Continue reading

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This Hidden Fact Predicts Terrorism: “Muslim Immigration”

Ann Coulter writes: How’d you like to be running a presidential campaign dependent on Muslims not acting up again between now and Nov. 8? It’s getting awfully hard for the media to keep being indignant about Trump’s proposed Muslim ban, … Continue reading

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