Monthly Archives: May 2016

And Then There Was One—And He Means What He Says About Immigration

Ann Coulter writes: A guy just won the Republican nomination for president by spending no money, hiring no pollsters, running virtually no TV ads, and just saying what he truly believed no matter how many times people told him he … Continue reading

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No To Trump Because Holocaust

Many of my Jewish friends won’t vote for Trump because Holocaust. Because the Holocaust shows what happens when you try to blame minorities for your problems. Another Jewish friend says: Perhaps your friends are sincere, but I am more cynical. … Continue reading

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Daily Caller Interviews The Man Behind The Twitter Handle ‘Conservative Pundit’

From the Daily Caller: Put in the voice of a hypothetical National Review writer who believes Democrats are the real racists, Mr. Pundit tweets out his thoughts on a wide variety of issues. Here’s a sampling of some of his … Continue reading

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Trump Kicks Ass

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It’s funny to remember that during the McCain kerfuffle some smart pundits said Trump had jumped the shark. They didn’t realize Trump’s honesty was part of his appeal. Trump grew up hearing about war heroes … Continue reading

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Crevasses in the Classroom

Steve Sailer writes: From my new column in Taki’s Magazine about a huge new database of school achievement test scores that answers the old question: Is there any single place in America where blacks (0r Hispanics) outscore whites on cognitive … Continue reading

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