Monthly Archives: May 2016

Jews On The Alt-Right

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I suspect a lot of the Jews ‘on our side’ just don’t make a lot of noise about being Jewish and do whatever else is required. Heck, Drudge has been beating the drum for Trump … Continue reading

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Birthday Cake Hate Hoax Crumbles, But Without Legal Consequences

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Since when did Black churches accept openly LGBT pastors? I blame it on the crossdressing Madea films. * He acknowledged his actions, but did he actually apologize? He sounds mentally unstable: “For me, it was … Continue reading

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Underearners Anonymous

I listened to some of its programs online and heard these gems: * If I fear down deep that I am a horrible person, then of course I will keep sabotaging myself. I won’t allow myself to be successful because … Continue reading

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The Scent Of Luke

She writes in June of 2006 about jet set dating: My life has changed signifigantly over the years. For those of you that are familiar with my story, it’s been a roller coaster ride from poverty to riches to rags … Continue reading

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Luke Ford Fan Blog 2007

Steve Sailer wrote July 24, 2005: “Mickey Kaus called Luke the “human Echelon Project, for the prodigious amount of interviewing and transcribing he does of who’s saying what around LA. Luke even interviewed me. But the bonus reason for reading … Continue reading

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