Monthly Archives: May 2016

CBS says shows are ‘more diverse’ despite criticism – The network’s 6 new fall shows all have white male leads

“Caucasian Broadcasting System?” “When CBS ordered six new shows last week, fans on Twitter pointed out the one thing they all had in common: The top-billed actor in each was white and male. Soon observers began to accuse the … Continue reading

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Immigration Hawks: Facebook Engaging in Deliberate Suppression of Our Content

Julia Hahn writes: In the past week, there has been much discussion about the allegation that Facebook is censoring its “trending” news stories based on political ideology. However, advocates for curbing immigration into the United States say that this is … Continue reading

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Only one man can heal Donald Trump’s rift with the neocons

Neo-cons is code for Jews. This essay is based on the premise that Donald Trump needs to appease the Jews. Jacob Heilbrun writes: As potential vice president, ultra-hawkish Marco Rubio could cool down the Republican party’s bitter enmities. A few … Continue reading

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Different Groups Have Different Interests

The more the goy (I’m talking the white of European origin because from the traditional Jewish perspective asians are not goyim, they are tribesmen worthy of respect, impossible to manipulate, while blacks are shvartzes, entertaining and dangerous and at times … Continue reading

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Goldberg: Horowitz Accusing Kristol of Not Being Fanatically Pro-Semitic Enough Proves That the Anti-Semitic Cossacks Are Ready to Ride

Steve Sailer writes: From Slate, a representative response to another thing that was the Biggest Story in the History of the World for about six hours earlier this week: Breitbart Calls Trump Foe “Renegade Jew.” This Is How Anti-Semitism Goes … Continue reading

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