CBS says shows are ‘more diverse’ despite criticism – The network’s 6 new fall shows all have white male leads

“Caucasian Broadcasting System?” “When CBS ordered six new shows last week, fans on Twitter pointed out the one thing they all had in common: The top-billed actor in each was white and male.

Soon observers began to accuse the broadcaster of not doing enough to cast women and actors of color at a time when the rest of the industry was making strides in that direction.”


* Here are some Guidelines for the War on Whitey ( ? )

1 ) Any commercial that shows a couple … one must be a native born , black , African America preferably a male with a good looking white woman who is laughing at how clever the dude is .

2 ) Every so often couples must be shown with two gay males ( never black though ) and two lesbians ( but rarely black ) .

3 ) Any Tee Vee Series ( NCIS / Suits / you name it ) ….. will have intelligent white folks doing the work …. but always subordinate to and guided by black managers / bosses / overseers who are wise / superior / reasoned thinkers .

( note : If only the blacks we encounter every day at hospitals / gummit bureaucracies / etc … displayed such a level of capability and deportment ( ? ). And how many such people have you had the pleasure of dealing with?

4 ) No real need to show Hispanics in much of anything . Asians can be good …as long as they are attractive and exotic looking …
which means women .

5 ) It makes for great copy …to depict whites / white males / Christains / rural whites ( i.e. hillbillies ) as stupid / backwards and laughable . But …never other groups of people and never , ever blacks in that manner .

USA Demography / Population

White 64 %
Hispanic 16
Black 12
Asian 4.7

“It is curious that blacks, the least educated twelve percent of the population, the least productive, most criminal, and most dependent on governmental charity, should dominate national politics. Yet they do. Virtually everything revolves around what blacks want, demand, do, or can’t do. Their power seems without limit.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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