Monthly Archives: May 2016


Remember when the future was going to be awesome? This movie starts off with the World Fair in 1964. That was the year before the United States began opening up immigration. From Canada to England to New Zealand and Australia … Continue reading

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What Does O.J. Simpson Have To Teach Us?

Steve Sailer writes: Black violent crime against whites is a huge statistical phenomenon that we aren’t supposed to recognize as even a Thing. Orwell’s “crimestop” — i.e., “protective stupidity” — shuts down our cognitive processes before we can figure out … Continue reading

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American Judaism’s Most Pressing Concerns Today

1. Jews losing their Jewish identity. 2. Intermarriage with non-Jews. Many nationalists have similar objectives for their people. I could take most famous nationalist texts, be they Japanese or Tibetan or Jewish or white, and by just changing the terms … Continue reading

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S.E Cupp: I’m Sick Of ‘Cuckservative’ … And Trump Supporters

Breitbart: CNN pundit S.E Cupp has had enough of Trump fans calling her a “cuckservative.” Cupp lashed out at the people who criticised her and other conservatives for attending a behind-closed-doors meeting at Facebook’s headquarters earlier this week, to address … Continue reading

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The Disease Of Underearning

Lecture 68 with Geoff from CA: When I came into Underearners Anonymous, all I knew was that I didn’t have any money and I didn’t feel comfortable asking for money. I learned that underearning is a disease that goes back … Continue reading

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