Monthly Archives: April 2016

American Conservatism Used To Be Nationalistic

Comments to Paul Gottfried: * Radio talker Mark Levin, no friend of Donald Trump, says that Trumpism is “Populist Nationalist,” implying that Levin-approved conservatism is non-nationalist. My question is, was there ever a variety of American conservatism that was not … Continue reading

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Jeremy Lin – Too Asian To Foul?

Steve Sailer writes: Would the reaction from the media be as sympathetic if white fans made up a similar tape of a white basketball player being fouled hard and implied that anti-white racism played a role? There’s a curious pattern … Continue reading

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The More Cleavage…

Wisdom from the Chateau: * Something I’ve noticed over the years: the more cleavage a woman publicly flaunts, the less trustworthy she is. * It’s useful to divide social decline into stages of normalization. As of now US is in … Continue reading

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Does Obama Represent The High Water Mark Of Black Influence?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Obama represents the high water mark of black political influence in America and it’s all downhill from here. Yes, the Democrats will pander in the general and once in office for the coming presidential term … Continue reading

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Rewriting American Immigration History

Steve Sailer writes: In reality, a centrist, effective President like Eisenhower presided over a mass deportation of illegal aliens to Mexico with barely any controversy. The 1965 immigration act was sold to Congress explicitly as having minimal impact on diversity. … Continue reading

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