Does Obama Represent The High Water Mark Of Black Influence?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Obama represents the high water mark of black political influence in America and it’s all downhill from here. Yes, the Democrats will pander in the general and once in office for the coming presidential term (let’s be real, Clinton is going to be president unless she is indicted), but latinos are growing in numbers and economic clout and even the goodwhites that run the party will grow tired of the increasingly strident demands of blacks in the years to come. They’ll toss them a few crumbs but I suspect that the more intelligent black members of the political class realize that they are soon to be the third banana in the party, and are going to make all the noise they can now for programs and appointments knowing that there are no more black presidents on the horizon and probably fewer members of Congress as well.

* It was funny when Obama appeared on “Between Two Ferns” and host Zach Galifianakis asked him how it feels to be America’s last black president.

* As far as African-Americans are concerned, the only thing that Obama has going for him is that he’s black. Most economic indicators (income, wealth gap, net worth) show that African-Americans have lost ground under the Obama administration. The sole exception is unemployment, which is offset by the fact that the black labor participation rate is the lowest ever recorded. In short, Obama has done a poor job of improving the economic situation of black Americans, but fraudsters like Sharpton will still try to gin up the votes for the Democrats. If everything stayed exactly the same as it is now but the occupant of the white was a white conservative Republican, the MSM would be full of pious editorials decrying the administration for its racial insensitivity if not outright racism. Sharpton would be leading marches through the streets calling for more handouts from the racists in washington.

* Just visit your local DMV and you’ll learn what “service with a smile” really means.

There are a few reasons I can think of for black (usually female) bureaucratic surliness:

1. Smiling and being nice reeks of Uncle Tomism and they want to show you that they are no Uncle Toms.

2. They have civil service jobs and are not concerned about being fired so there’s no need to be nice.

3. They hate white people and you are a white person. Note however that they are not particularly nice to people of their own race either.

4. They are unhappy people with unrewarding jobs so they take it out on their customers. See also #2.

* ‘I guess the “once you go black” rule applies to politics as well…’

This is a widely misunderstood bit of folk wisdom, as your comment demonstrates.

In sexual relationships, once you go black you CAN’T go back because White men won’t have you.

In politics, if people make the mistake of putting a black in office, the damage he or she does can be reversed by putting White people in power again (even blacks realize this), so the folk wisdom doesn’t apply.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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