Monthly Archives: April 2016

“To the hard of hearing you shout, for the almost blind you draw large and startling figures.” — Flannery O’Connor

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Great Moments In Lesbian Eugenics

Comments to Steve Sailer: * So lesbians are even dumber than we supposed–and dangerous to themselves and others. Funny, it was gay men’s mental instability that most people worried about throughout history and today, what with the high propensity for … Continue reading

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Pitbulls Account for Half of Dog Fatalities

And blacks account for about half of murders in America. Comments to Steve Sailer: * So Presas kill 2,582 times more per capita than labs. For some extreme human disparities, blacks in Chicago were 45 times more likely to be … Continue reading

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Rabbi Elazar Muskin 2.0 Skit from the 2016 Banquet

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Who Will Be The American People?

Comment: The American people must choose: Who will be the American people? This was a critical question before the Civil War. The USA was created by people from Great Britain. But the plutocrats who owned plantations wanted something more. They … Continue reading

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